Friday, February 15, 2013

Angels of Satan - Bad Kids TV Show Rankings 2

            Here’s our second top-ten list of No Credentials least favorite children’s television programs. If you missed the first edition back in November, click here.

10. Marvin Marvin
            Marvin Marvin” has turned into appointment, popcorn eating television at my house. Further proof that weird shit happens when you have kids.

9. Arthur
            Arthur was always a boring character in books 20 years ago, and nothing has changed on television now.

8. The Fresh Beat Band (last rank = 1)
            Fortunately these little fuckers have stayed off of my television for the past couple of months, but they have caused enough residual mental scarring to earn an honorable mention.

7. The Bernstein Bears
            Jeff Ross once told a story on the BS Report of how Dave Chappelle talked him out of retiring from celebrity roasts. Chappelle told Ross to “stay in his lane” and continue doing what he does best. The Bernstein Bears should’ve stayed in the print medium and avoided being adapted for television all together. Slight props are deserved for being the only kid’s show I’m aware of to fully embrace country music.

6. Blues Clues, the Joe Era
            Joe made “Blues Clues” shittier than Sammy Hagar made Van Halen.

5. Barney (last rank = 9)
            The following video is one of the five most disturbing things I’ve ever seen.

4. Doc McStuffins (last rank = 4)
            With her incredible ability to state the absolute most obvious things with the most obnoxious words possible, Doc McStuffins has the chance to be the next Troy Aikman. She just needs to say “you’re absolutely right Joe” a few times to cement her destiny.

3. The Chicka Show
            Sort of like when Michael Richards was given his own show after “Seinfeld” ended it’s run, “The Chika Show” is a sad case of what happens when a lovable character gets over exposed. It would be slightly more watchable if Kelly stopped snorting copious amounts of cocaine before they filmed the episodes.

2. Caillou (last rank = 3)
            Caillou made a furious run at number one on this list with a slew of shitty Christmas specials that aired on Sprout, but alas was outshined by another Canadian import.

1. Max and Ruby


            This show chronicles the adventures of two young, overweight bunnies as they attempt to survive without parents. Sounds fun on paper, but it all goes to hell when the show starts. In each eight-minute segment, Max always speaks in one-word sentences (he’s supposed to be three, I think it’s time to check him for a learning disability) while Ruby tries to make him do something stupid. Inevitably, whatever Max wants to do ends up benefiting Ruby in the end.

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