After renting “Battle: LA” the other night, I decided I would write a paragraph on my blog to recap any movie I recently watched that would be considered as one of the ten worst films I’ve ever seen. It’s unclear who decided that it would be a good idea to attempt a combo of “Independence Day” and “Saving Private Ryan”, but that person should probably have his rights to create a movie revoked. Aaron Eckhart gave a valiant effort in this movie, but much like Archie Manning during his career with the Saints (or for music fans, Justin Timberlake with N’Sync), he was only able to do so much. A shoddy plot plagued the movie (SPOILER ALERT: Supposedly the aliens were attempting to wipe out humanity so they would have control of our water. Because you know, Earth isn’t made up of a whole lot of water or anything. There wouldn’t have been enough to go around for everybody. Apparently these aliens were smart enough to figure out space travel, but didn’t understand the concept of the water cycle), but amazingly it was plagued even more by horrendous filming. I’m not going to sit here and pretend I’m a film snob (because I’m not), but when the camera is bouncing around so much that it’s viewers are getting motion sickness, there’s a serious issue. I would’ve gone to the other room to play TECMO Super Baseball after about 40 minutes, but felt guilty about the money we paid to rent it.
To summarize, if you had any plans of watching this movie, DON’T DO IT.
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